New spring sports
WARNING SATIRE This spring, a set of three super amazing sports will be adopted at CFHS/MS.
Last year CFHS announced that the school is adding Underwater Basketball, Ostrich Racing, and Sky Diving. Unfortunately, none of them took off enough to continue. Parents and Students can’t wait for this year’s announcement of new extreme sports (that may or may not take off within the school). Just recently the high school released that they are going to try to add three sports again. They are going to try Advanced Puddle Diving, Suspended Cycling, and Marco Polo inside of a pool filled with nacho cheese. These are three chaotic sports that not many athletes are good at.

Advanced Puddle diving will be the most competitive of the sports they are adding. For this sport one has to have successfully mastered the dive and be able to tell when a puddle is too shallow to dive into. It is a highly dangerous sport in which only the best can compete in. With only 10 competitors from each school it’s a really rare sport. When asked why he is trying this new sport Wyatt Nelson said, “Track has been getting boring so I want to try something new.” This sport is one of the rarest in Minnesota with only about ten schools in total competing in it.

The next sport is being added to help put Cannon on the map. The school board decided that we needed a version of Marco Polo that no one else would ever think of and that ended up being played in nacho cheese. As they didn’t know what to do for rules and how long the games lasted they asked the middle school students. Aydria Baker said, “Some rules we should have for this game are you have to take a shower before getting in and you should be able to eat the cheese and meat and stuff.” Needing at least 10 people at each level just makes it a sport that so many more people want to do. Another hopeful player Lince Otterness said “I really hope that I can play this sport for the rest of my high school career because it’s a really cool sport that is really unique.”

For a newer popular sport the Cannon Falls High School Middle School decided on suspended cycling. There were many people interested in this sport. Ashley Fox had this to say, “Of the three new sports that are getting added I’m most excited for this one {Suspended Cycling} because it combines my two favorite things biking and not falling. I can’t wait to take part in this sport because I feel like it will be one of the only sports I’m good at.” This is one of the more relaxing sports that Cannon is offering because you don’t compete directly with your opponents. Sometimes it’s for speed and other times it’s for balance.
Many students at Cannon Falls high school can’t wait to start their new spring sports. With many middle schoolers hoping to be able to play these sports for the rest of their high school careers, the school needs large numbers of people who want to join these teams. With all of the Torchies going out for these sports so they can try something new, it might become harder to find stories written by your favorite Torchies. Anyone interested in any of these sports make sure to contact the coaches before April 15th.