A soggy group of students lead the homecoming parade
During the 2017 Homecoming Parade, the floats became more like boats as heavy downpours of rain drenched everyone participating, much like Noah’s Ark. The band float started chanting jokingly, “Impeach! Impeach! Impeach!” at the student council president due to their wet instruments. On the musical float, the girls were wearing their dresses that they will wear for their show while getting drenched. Despite the low turnout through town and the rain, students were still hollering, throwing candy, and having a great time. With about ten floats, the parade started down Minnesota Street. Students not participating in the parade stood along Minnesota Street and watched. Many floats had candy which students eagerly grabbed. Volleyball, tennis, FFA, the musical, and more had decorative floats. Football players, teachers, and others walked in the parade. The parade started out with a drizzle but soon turned to a heavy downpour as the floats passed the students. Some floats and walkers turned around early to get out of the rain.
“I hope the parade continues in the future,” junior, Riley Eddy, said.
Next year, student council hopes the weather will be nicer and get students watching more involved for a longer amount of time. With a quick transition from the pep fest to the parade, it went smoothly. Through the downpour, the floats went on and everybody got even more excited for the final events of Homecoming: the game and the dance.
“It was fun, even though it was raining,” junior, Anja Black, reflected.