Poetry Contest Winners

May 4, 2021

First Place

A Sapphire in the Moonlight


It glows bright

sapphire in the moonlight.

It’s exoskeleton

a protective armor, a shell

that encases it’s tiny heart.


It dances on the sand

of this barren, moonlit land

back and forth

side to side

with two glowing pincers poised

to strike.


It dances with me on the dunes

glinting in the cool moon

and it’s blue barbed tail

waves in unison

with me.


I’m caught

in this sapphire’s dance.

Second Place

Livin’ the Dream

by Miah Barsness


How are you doing today?

Ah… Livin’ the dream

Is that honestly how it is,

Or is that just what it seems?

A fake plastered smile,

When I’m actually telling myself

“Don’t worry, we’ll be done in a while”

Counting down the days until the school year ends,

summer begins and the responsibilities start up again.

A repeating cycle of wake up, work and sleep.

Over and over

Again and again

It feels like it always repeats.

Is this what it will be like forever?

Just livin’ the dream?


Soon we’ll be headed off to college

With little knowledge,

On what the world is like.

Oh how I wish I could go back to age five

When I was just learning how to ride a bike.

I’m just livin’ the dream.

My life is the same old theme.

Over and over

Like the sun rises and sets

Is this as good as it’s going to get?


My life is a dream that’s as good as can be.

It gets better as it goes on.

Life is tough with all this stuff.

Live it before it’s all gone.

Celebrate all the good things.

Block out all the bad.

Why can’t we all be happy,

Instead of being sad?


I realize now what I needed to do.

I needed to start somewhere clean and new.

I had a messed up heart.

I needed a new start.

And that starts now.


What needed to be done was done.

My mind was in all these places,

And now it’s just in one.



How are you doing today?

I’m livin’ the dream…

For real

Third place

 The End of an Era

by Emma Shepersky


Only two months

Until high school ends.

Just two months

Until we leave behind

All of our friends.


Preparations are being made

For the seniors’ biggest escapade.

Caps and gowns are being bought.

All of the hardships that we’ve wrought

Mean nothing to us now.


These narrow halls

We once called home

Are no longer

Ours to roam.


The Kings of the school

Whom we were once fond

Are moving now

To a much bigger pond.


But as we go forth

Making the world our own

We will never forget

The memories from our home.

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