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The Student News Site of CFHS

The Lantern

The Student News Site of CFHS

The Lantern

The Student News Site of CFHS

The Lantern

Lindy Edstrom

Lindy Edstrom, News co-editor

Lindy Edstrom is a co-editor for the news category. She is a senior who participates in many activities like Interact, church leader, student council, swimming, MHS, and track and field. Lindy is also commonly known as Melinda, Linda, or Macinda.

All content by Lindy Edstrom
The white house in Washington DC.

Earning their way to D.C.

Lindy Edstrom, News editor
April 3, 2019
Robotics teammate Luke Langdon at the competition with the teams bomb bot.

Robots to the ready

Lindy Edstrom, News Editor
March 20, 2019
The robotics kids are on their way to their competition in Duluth.

Gearing up for Duluth

Lindy Edstrom, News editor
March 8, 2019
Students who participated in Patrons Pen and the Voice of Democracy line up to take a photo.

Voice of democracy banquet

Lindy Edstrom, News Editor
January 22, 2019
Winter formal

Winter formal

Lindy Edstrom, News Editor
January 4, 2019
CFHS students work for meaningful Christmas giving

Ringing in the Christmas spirit

Lindy Edstrom, News Editor
December 19, 2018
Winter week

Winter week

Lindy Edstrom, News editor
December 13, 2018

The giving tree

Lindy Edstrom, News editor
December 12, 2018
Game of thrones

Game of thrones

Lindy Edstrom, News Editor
September 26, 2018
Fall musical auditions

Fall musical auditions

Lindy Edstrom, News Editor
September 10, 2018
Three juniors cram for the ACT

Not today

Lindy Edstrom, Co-news editor
April 11, 2018

Rafiki bracelets

Lindy Edstrom, News Co-editor
March 15, 2018
Winter formal is a welcome break from finals

Winter Formal

Lindy Edstrom, News editor
January 19, 2018
Making a dash for sections

Making a dash for sections

Lindy Edstrom, Co-News editor
May 29, 2017
Carol Carpenter's rendition of a bee

Buzzing around the art show

Lindy Edstrom, News co-editor
May 12, 2017
Ariana Grande in concert

Ariana Grande in concert

Lindy Edstrom, News editor
March 24, 2017
Brain Awareness Day is March 22

Green is for awareness

Lindy Edstrom, News co-editor
March 21, 2017
Hand-crafted bowls awaited Humanities dinner guests

A night in Europe

Lindy Edstrom, News co-editor
February 24, 2017
CF band prepares for band clinic


Lindy Edstrom, News co-editor
February 17, 2017
A few of the victors gather around a table to discuss their strategies for State

Getting down to business

Lindy Edstrom, News editor
January 26, 2017
Winning the Voice of Democracy contest is the senior, Kayley Felix.

Patriotic student voices

Lindy Edstrom, News co-editor
January 3, 2017
Satire weak

Satire weak

Lindy Edstrom, Staff writer
April 5, 2016
Assistant Principal Jennifer Chappuis, creator of the SAM program at CFHS

Sam I am

Lindy Edstrom, Staff writer
March 3, 2016

The gift that keeps on giving

Lindy Edstrom, Staff writer
January 15, 2016
The gift that keeps on giving

The gift that keeps on giving

Lindy Edstrom, staff writer
December 21, 2015
Bjorn Pearson heads for the finish line

Over the river, through the woods

Lindy Edstrom, sports writer
November 4, 2015
Hannah Singewald makes use of her tablet during a break in musical rehearsals

Tech talk

Lindy Edstrom, staff writer
October 11, 2015
One-to-One 101

One-to-One 101

Lindy Edstrom, Staff Writer
September 15, 2015
Explosions encouraged

Explosions encouraged

Lindy Edstrom, Torch Writer
June 5, 2015
Jr. High track meet held recently at CFHS track

Running For the gold

Lindy Edstrom, Torch writer
May 27, 2015
Coach Tyler QUinlan and his math league team

Easy as Pi

Lindy Edstrom, Torch writer
May 19, 2015
Sample of new honor roll certificate

Roll out the honors

Lindy Edstrom, Torch writer
January 19, 2015
6th grader Lily Park looks for a teammate to pass to in a recent CFHS soccer match

Kicking and Screaming

Lindy Edstrom, Torch Writer
November 10, 2014
6th graders Riley Miller and Owen Edstrom check out their new tablets

Good bye #2 pencils

Lindy Edstrom, Torch Writer
October 6, 2014
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