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The Student News Site of CFHS

The Lantern

The Student News Site of CFHS

The Lantern

The Student News Site of CFHS

The Lantern

Emma Conway

Emma Conway, Editor-in-Chief

Emma Conway is a senior Editor-in-Chief for The Lantern. As a Yearbook Editor, Speech Captain, Student School Board Representative, MHS Historian, and member of Student Council, Emma likes to stay active within Cannon Falls High School. Her favorite thing to write is feature stories because silent heroes can be put in the spotlight. Outside of school, she loves eating french toast, watching Friends, and cheering on her friends at sporting events.

All content by Emma Conway
This years cover features a shiny red foil.

Look Forward

Emma Conway, Editor-in-Chief
May 22, 2020
While giving his opening presentation, Vande Hei showcased this incredible image captured from the International Space Station. By pointing out big cities and Cannon Falls, he put things in perspective for viewers.

To infinity and beyond

Emma Conway, Editor-in-Chief
April 29, 2020
Preston Heckmann is one of many seniors who didn't get their final season.

All-star athletes

Emma Conway, Editor-in-Chief
April 24, 2020
Pole vaulter Ellie Stodden was looking forward to one final season.

Spring sports

Emma Conway, Editor-in-Chief
April 24, 2020
Aaron Trost, a home schooled senior, is also coping with cancellations.

Ahead of the learning curve

Emma Conway, Editor-in-Chief
April 16, 2020
The Prom Committee is offering tickets at the same price for the same location.

Country Nights rescheduled

Emma Conway, Editor-in-Chief
April 16, 2020
Molly Bowen (lower left) and Elizabeth Reinhardt (right) have been adjusting to the U's new virtual learning plans.

College campuses go dark

Emma Conway, Editor-in-Chief
April 8, 2020
Exchange students are seeing the effects of COVID-19 in their home countries.

Here, there, everywhere

Emma Conway, Editor-in-Chief
April 2, 2020
Eden Walson (middle), smiled for one last U.S. photo at the Minneapolis-Saint Paul International Airport in 2018 with her two host families: the Conways (left) and the Johnsons (right).

Eden Walson, France

Emma Conway, Editor-in-Chief
April 2, 2020
Hand sanitizer, thermometers, and masks have become the new normal at Cannon Kids, a child care service offered for emergency personnel's kids.

Essentially exceptional

Emma Conway, Editor-in-Chief
April 1, 2020
Empty high school hallways have become the new normal during the COVID-19 pandemic.

Dark times; light measures

Emma Conway, Editor-in-Chief
March 26, 2020
Emma Conway finds a new approach to dealing with the hysteria for COVID 19

To that I say thank you

Emma Conway, editor-in-chief
March 19, 2020
Emma Conway finds a new approach to dealing with the hysteria for COVID 19

To that I say thank you

Emma Conway, Editor in chief
March 19, 2020
CFHS junior, Kressin Hartl devotes much of her free time strumming her guitar or humming a tune

One in a million

Emma Conway, Editor-in-Chief
March 4, 2020
The school newspaper traces its roots back to the 1940's

[Photo] Now and then

Lauren Ritz, Staff Writer
February 26, 2020
Cannon Falls is One Act Subsection Champs! The cast and crew (F to B, L to R) Sam Auger, Director Tania Legvold, Kressin Hartl, Bianca Caputo, Grace Parks, Taylor Fox, Trenton Sherer, Allison Hughes, Jasmine Schulz, Noah Muhlhausen, Kendall Lawless, Kate Churchill, Cat Wagner, Jared McAdam, Ian Sawdey, Devin Sexton, and Lydia Pederson posed for a photo with their trophy on Saturday, January 25 in Triton, Minnesota.

Stole the show

Emma Conway, Editor-in-Chief
January 28, 2020
Senior Cannorama Editors-in-Chiefs ,Emma Conway and Olivia Johnson, posed for a photo with their Adviser, Cindy DeRosier (midde).

Turning 100

Emma Conway, Editor-in-Chief
December 5, 2019
There was a magical firework show after the annual tree lighting.

[Photo] Deck the Falls

Lauren Ritz, Staff Writer
December 5, 2019
John Fogarty explained the different types of feature stories to his interactive television journalism one class on October 24.

Age: just a number

Emma Conway, Editor-in-Chief
November 20, 2019
Scuttle (junior Kressin Hartl) gazes in awe at Ariel's (Kendall Lawless') new feet.

Under the sea

Emma Conway, Editor-in-chief
November 6, 2019
To Sam Ludden, it doesn't matter if he's playing at John Burch Park or at the Elementary School's soccer fields.

The best of both worlds

Emma Conway, Editor-in-chief
October 8, 2019
Seniors, decked out in red white and blue, Anna Giese, Macy Duden, Jada Krinke, Olivia Johnson, Kylie Wersal, Sara Twedt, Vienna Qualey, Delaney Koppmann, Kay Smith, Julia Jarvi, Emma Conway, Ellie Stodden, and Zoe Jesh cheered on the Bombers from the North end zone on September 6. This is an example of one of the first lasts for the class of 2020.

How to survive and thrive senior year

Emma Conway, Editor-in-chief
September 27, 2019
Aizlynn Thim showcased the moment after the goats were captured from the courtyard.

You’ve GOAT to be kidding me

Emma Conway, Features Editor
May 24, 2019
Seniors Hannah Singewald, Olivia Anderson, Laura Johnson, and Josie Ramler were proud to receive the All-State title.

All-State speakers

Emma Conway, Features Editor
May 14, 2019
Lyndsey and Justina McPherson's braid ceremony was performed on June 29, 2018

Words are a choice

Emma Conway, Feature editor
March 29, 2019
Mari Mendivil's and Emma Conway's rendition of International Women's Day

Sisters on the march

Emma Conway, Feature editor
March 8, 2019
Senator Amy Klobuchar greets her audience before giving her speech.

Amy for America

Emma Conway, Feature Editor
February 12, 2019
inspired by St. Mary's County Health Department

High School High

Emma Conway, Features Editor
February 8, 2019
Matt Montgomery is excited to help out the students of Cannon Falls

Montgomery for Cannon Falls

Emma Conway, Features Editor
February 5, 2019
Speaking of speech

Speaking of speech

Emma Conway, Features Editor
December 6, 2018
Laura Thomas addresses the junior class in the auditorium.

Creating college confidence

Emma Conway, Features Editor
November 30, 2018
Home away from home

Home away from home

Emma Conway, Features Editor
November 16, 2018
The splash hit Hamilton gives Minnesota audiences a chance to see what all the hype is about

The Broadway’s Hamilton

Emma Conway, Features Editor
November 7, 2018
Local students hit the streets promoting the opportunity to vote.

Taking action

Emma Conway, Features Editor
November 1, 2018
Piercings for young students can elicit a variety of reactions

Young and bedazzled

Emma Conway, staff writer
May 21, 2018
Flags are some of the many symbols that shape our lives and our beliefs

More than a symbol

Emma Conway, Staff Writer
February 6, 2018
One of many delectable Christmas treats reviewed

Christmas cookies

Emma Conway, Staff Writer
January 5, 2018


Emma Conway, Staff Writer
January 5, 2018
Lantern writers review the movie IT


Emma Conway, Staff Writer
October 3, 2017
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